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Gymnastic Rings

Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in trying out gymnastics? Contact our team to talk about attending practice. No experience necessary!

Do you require prior experience?

No experience required! This team is for anyone and everyone who is interested in any part of gymnastics or tumbling. However, practices are minimally structured, so we mostly learn from each other!

How much does it cost to participate?

We have two options to choose from when it comes to covering the expenses. You can either pay a one-time due of $120 for the entire semester. Alternatively, if you prefer a more pay-as-you-go approach, you can opt for a fee of $7 per practice session

Are there coaches?

Practices are usually open-gym style and MAY have one of the gym's coach present to supervise and offer tips. Many of the club members have coaching and/or prior gymnastics experience and love to share their knowledge, so never be afraid to ask teammates for help.

When and where do you practice?

We practice at Buckhead Gymnastics and Jumpstart Gymnastics four times a week, on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Do I have to compete?

You are encouraged but not required to compete at NAIGC competitions. If you would like to compete, you can put together routines on any events you choose. The number one goal of competitions is to have fun! Winning is just a bonus!

What if I just want to try out one practice?

If you want to try practice, it is $7 per practice until you pay dues. We usually have a free trial period at the beginning of every semester where you can visit for free, so keep an eye out for that announcement if you are interested.

How often do you compete?

We usually participate in 3-4 competitions per season including NAIGC Nationals. We only travel for 2 or 3 meets because we attend the Emory meet which is held at our regular gym.

What is the required time commitment?

There is no minimum time commitment. Many of our members are busy and have a tough school workload, so we don't take attendance or expect people to come to every practice.

Do I have to wear a leotard?

Not if you don't want to. During practices you can wear whatever you want. For competitions, most teams wear leotards but we will not force you to wear one. Some of our members compete in leggings/shorts and a T-shirt, although there is a minor deduction for not wearing a leotard. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Do I have to buy my own equipment?

You do not have to purchase any special equipment. If you compete, you may need to buy a T-shirt (if you want one), but there is no dress code at practice and no extra equipment needed to do gymnastics. However, if you are interested, you can purchase grips to use on bars.

Is the team co-ed?

Yes, we compete in men's and women's divisions, and the team is coed. You can choose to compete in men's, women's, or both regardless of your gender identity. For example, some of our women compete in men's events for fun.

Do I have to be good to compete?

No. All capabilities are welcome to compete. We only go to meets for fun, so while it's exciting to have members who are former gymnasts and have a lot of skills, you are more than welcome to do somersaults back and forth across the floor for an entire routine (which has been done)!

Do you take grad students?

Yes! GT alumni are welcome to join as well!

More questions? Send us an email!

Can I join in the middle of the semester/year?

Yes! You can try out the club or become a member at any time during fall or spring semesters. Since we do not practice during the summer, you cannot join during the summer. See our prospective member page for information about joining or trying out the club.

Do you practice during the summer?

We try to offer at least one practice per week throughout the summer, depending on interest!

Join our prospective member mailing list to get updates

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