Before you can get out on the floor, there are 3 required steps to attend practice:

Let us know you're coming
Contact our officer team to let us know you're visiting practice so we can make sure you have completed the required paperwork.
Sign up for practice so we can include you in the carpool.

Join our Slack channel (contact us for the link)
Join our organization on GT Engage
Join our organization on IMLeagues
Complete a waiver for both gyms:
make an iClassPro account (sign yourself up as a student, but don’t sign up for a class, different to JumpStart iClassPro account)
Send a copy of your health insurance card to buckheadgymnastics@gmail.com with subject line: “GT Gymnastics Insurance Card - [last name, first name]”
make an iClassPro account (sign yourself up as a student, but don’t sign up for a class, different to Buckhead iClassPro account -
Signup for this week's practice(s) using the signup form on Slack

Practice is open to non-members for a small $7 fee per practice that you can pay using Venmo (@GTClubGym). If you decide to join the club later in the semester, let us know, and we will charge prorated dues!